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Slingshot has long supported corporate credit cards as a payment method.  Corporate credit cards reduce transactional costs by taking the purchasing department out of the loop.  Payments are consolidated by bank or payment processor (typically one check per month), a further savings.  The use of PCards comes with tradeoffs.  Less review prior to purchase introduces some risk.      

Slingshot announces a new “self service” requisition entry process for its eRequest product.  Its familiar interface allows users to quickly and conveniently request material or services with no training.  

In many procurement environments a high volume of routine small dollar approvals creates a bottleneck.  The requests are stuck until the approver realizes a procurement requires review and takes the steps necessary to grant approval.  Time spent on these routine approvals is time taken away from larger procurements which require careful scrutiny. 

Requisition lines can now be filled with a “Bid Solicitation”.  Bid solicitations include a list of required goods or services and are associated with a list of suppliers.  Click the “Send RFQ” button and a “Request for Quotation” order is created and eMailed to each supplier.   When responses are received prices and terms are recorded on the supplier’s “Request for Quotation” order.