Buying an “off the shelf” product is cheap, and probably won’t meet all of your needs. Building a tailored system is expensive (and it takes time) but your wish list of requirements will get checked off (eventually).
Worst case: you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Slingshot brings you a solution that solves this question. Our innovative approach to Web-based enterprise business software development, implementation and ownership allows you to extend your enterprise systems, without programming.
Techy speak aside, eTools (our rapid application development tool) allows your own IT group to make changes to your systems, perform maintenance, improve performance and so on, without a single phone call, or departure with a single dollar, to us, your friendly vendor organization.
There are several big players in the ERP software market. You may have even heard of some of them. So why are we any different? David and Goliath. Slingshots. Think about it.
Our innovations are effective at beating the global giants that dominate the multi-trillion dollar ERP market place. It’s most definitely not our good looks that enable us to make this bold statement - it’s our experience. And our understanding that we can’t just beat our competitors – we have to prove, in every deal, why we are significantly better.
Over the past three decades, we’ve worked with companies just like yours as you try to achieve the next level of efficiency and profitability, having outgrown the systems that brought you this far in the first place.
In short, when it comes to enterprise business software: We innovate. We can help you. Talk to us.
Download the Slingshot Solution Overview (PDF).