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Five Secrets for a Successful Software Initiative

5 SecretsSlingshot recently published a White Paper titled the The Five Simple Secrets to a Successful Software Initiative.

You can download the document here.

The purpose of the document is to answer the question "How do you eat an elephant?" The answer of course is "piece by piece". It's been developed to help people charged with, or involved with, the selection and implementation of a significant business system within any organization of any size - a daunting task in any one's language.

The Five Simple Secrets are a distillation of the Slingshot management team's accrued experience, gained over many decades through consultations with hundreds of companies just like yours. Be assured, the secrets are logical and pragmatic, and while some may be challenging to achieve in your environment, the ability to articulate them to your management team will ensure you get their full and immediate support.

The upshot: If you're able to implement the Five Simple Secrets, you will improve your chances of achieving "golden-team-member" status significantly. Isn't that what's it's all about?

Good luck and well wishes from the Slingshot Team!